Program Outline/Guidelines - Tucson HOA Landscape Transformation Program

For HOA commercial customers of the City of Tucson Water Service that want to replace high water-use plants and turf with native and desert-adapted, low water-use plants.


What are the goals of the program? 
The initial goal is to provide a financial incentive to motivate HOAs that have a predominance of high water-use plants or turf to get started on transforming their landscapes - which begins with a Landscape Design Plan.

Program Outline/Guidelines (5 Phases):

Communication, education and PLANNING are critical.  These guidelines are meant to assist the HOA board to successfully navigate through the transformation process. 

Phase One

Outreach, Education, Application
  • The UArizona/Pima County Cooperative Extension/Smartscape Program (sponsored by City of Tucson Water) will provide:
    • Outreach support, education resources/materials regarding the program’s objectives and benefits to HOAs and Property Management companies.  Click here for details.
    • 3-part Smartscape HOA community education course (board representative attendance required before an HOA applies for the program).
  • Application - See "How to Apply - Preview"
  • Review and acceptance by Tucson Water
  • Letter of Understanding between Tucson Water and HOA Board

Phase Two

General Consensus (Majority Agreement) - After an HOA has applied for and been accepted into the program.
  • The HOA board selects a Landscape Transformation Project Manager/Champion (PM). 
  • Smartscape provides, to the PM, tools to facilitate community discussions, surveys, consensus building and goal setting.
  • PM sends out a resident survey and works with the HOA to reach majority agreement and set goals that will be used to create a Design Plan (Phase Three).

Phase Three

Team Selection and Design Plan
  • The HOA will select the:
    • Landscape Architect/Designer
    • Landscape Installation Contractor (or may be design/build)
    • Landscape Maintenance Contractor (Smartscape certificates required). 
      • All contractors must meet the following
      • RFP & Contract templates provided by Smartscape.
      • Professional review of Requests for Proposal, Scopes of Work and contracts required and provided by Tucson Water.
  • Landscape Architect/Designer creates the Landscape Design Plan that will be used to develop a Phased Implementation Plan (Phase Four).
  • Funding is released to the HOA by Tucson Water upon completion of the Landscape Design Plan.

Phase Four

  • Designer or builder works with HOA and PM to create the Phased Implementation Schedule based on the Landscape Design Plan.
  • PM and HOA will implement the phased plan for Construction, and Maintenance.
  • Professional review of Requests for Proposal, Scopes of Work and contracts required and provided by Tucson Water.

Phase Five

Follow-Through and Follow-Up
  • The PM will monitor contractors to ensure they are meeting performance targets and expectations.
  • Smartscape will provide select further education/training if needed, i.e., for volunteer landscape maintenance review committees and (regularly scheduled) Smartscape: A Training Program for Landscape Professionals and Advanced Smartscape courses.
  • Ongoing monitoring of water-use and maintenance practices must show measurable reduction in water-use.